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Google’s SSL Changes

Today, Google is strongly pushing the world to implement SSL for the best practice of a secure website.  This change is not just about secure internet. It could also mean thousands in lost revenue if your website is left unchecked. 

We have to understand that in making these changes, Google does not want to penalise your website. But also it is to help your customers find reputable businesses and keep everybody’s data safe.

What is SSL?

SSL  Secure Socket Layer

It is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between them remain private, secure and safe.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS  Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure

HTTPS is a secure version of HTTP.  By using HTTPS, the computers agree on a “code”between them. Then, they scramble the messages using that “code”, so that no one in between can read them. Therefore, it keeps your information safe from hackers.

What is the change?

Google announced in 2014 to use HTTPS on every website to make internet usage more secure. The three ways to secure your website are:

  • Authentication
  • Data Integrity
  • Encryption

It verifies the ownership of your website, so people can check the green lock in the address bar before handing over their personal details.

Data Integrity

This means that the exchange of data is intact and untampered during transmission.  If your website is not secure, someone can tamper with the data.


It encrypts the data in forms to make sure no one else can read them. especially for the credit card information for ecommerce sites.

What does this mean for you?

Without an SSL, website owners may not be viewed as ‘legitimate’ to visitors searching them online.

If your website is viewed as not legitimate and not secure, it means you run a massive risk of losing valuable business. This is especially critical for those who rely on their website traffic for direct leads and sales. You could lose up to two thirds of your traffic.

Existing customers may not be able to make a purchase from your online store, as eCommerce payment gateways are stopping all payments going through non-secure sites.  Hence, a secure website is a necessary key for success for online business.

What are the impacts of not having SSL?

Without an SSL, your website and online business will be affected seriously. Infographic below illustrated that its negative impacts onwards SEO, google ranking, geolocation and even the effectiveness in digital advertising.

Impacts of Not having an SSL for Your Website

What can you do to avoid this?

If you have a website for business purposes, we advise  you to:

  • Ensure that your website (and traffic) is protected from Google’s major algorithm update come.
  • Upgrading your website platform.
  • Having your SSL certificate correctly installed and tested across your entire site, including all your images, forms and content.

So, which SSL is better suited for your business requirements?

Basically, there are three main types of SSL certificate you can consider.

  1. EV SSL Certificate
  2. OV SSL Certificate
  3. DV SSL Certificate


Extended Validation Certification-min

  • EV SSL Certificates are extended validation certificates, the most secured among the three type of SSL Certificate..
  • It involves stringent vetting process to validate and verify if the entity which has requested for an SSL Certificate is legitimate.
  • Users can see a Green Address Bar if the website is secured with an authorised EV SSL Certificate.
  • The green address bar builds customer trust and increases rate of conversion.


Organization Validation Certification-min

  • OV SSL Certificates will provide you with full business and company validation.
  • Each OV certificate contains full company name and address details.
  • This means they provide significantly higher levels of assurance to end-users than Domain Validated certificates.



  • DV SSL Certificates refer to Domain Validated (DV) Certificates.
  • This certificates have the same high levels of data encryption as another two types, but does not have the Green Address Bar and also does not provide assurance about the identity of the business behind the website.
  • It is the popular choice amongst small sized or start up websites because of their faster issuance times and lower price points.

SSL Certificate Comparison Table

SSL Certificate Comparison

  • Two obvious difference are 1)  the Validation of Domain, Organisation and Extended and 2) with or without Green Bar.
  • It is recommended:
  1. Online business especially Ecommerce should obtain EV SSL Certificate for higher security as the business involve online payment transaction.
  2. Small Business and Corporate should obtain OV SSL Certificate as have Organisation Validation to gain trust from the customers.
  3. DV SSL Certificate is more for personal blogs purposes.


July 2018 Update: Google will mark your site “Not Secure”

Chrome 68 – the browsers began marking HTTP sites “Not Secure.” This was done more gradually. The warnings started out just warning users when they were about to enter a password in an unencrypted field. Then in the Fall they turned up the volume even more and started marking any HTTP page with text fields “Not Secure.” Now, with the release of Chrome 68 in July,  any website served via HTTP is going to get the “Not Secure” indicator.

Google Chrome 68 on HTTPS

How can we help?

  • We are SSL authorised dealer.
  • We advice to install SSL for your website the soonest in order to ensure minimal impact on website visitors. So, it’s not a matter ‘if’ you’ll make the switch, it’s a matter of ‘when’ to ensure your website experiences consistent traffic, leads, and of course, sales.

Don’t keep this delay – all it takes is one simple phone call to get the ball rolling.

Tip – Besides, SSL Certificate for Web Security, WordPress Website Maintenance is equally important for a WordPress website to stay healthy and functional.

Call us today on 082-576113 to discuss your options.

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