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First and foremost, I would like to congratulate the Sarawak Tourism Board for staging the 25th Anniversary of the Rainforest World Music Festival 2022, a world-renowned music festival which has put Sarawak on the international spotlight. Our Congratulations also go to the Ministry of Tourism, Creative Industry & Performing Arts Sarawak for this great achievement.

Karuna Sarawak is proud to be the official ticketing partner and the Platinum Sponsor of this international-staged music festival. As part of the company’s CSR initiatives and a contribution to boost the Sarawak Tourism industry, Karuna is sponsoring the online ticketing system which enables online purchase of the tickets to the Rainforest World Music Festival 2022. We are proud to see the smooth operations and up-sold of the tickets.  Apart from this Karuna is also sponsoring the live streaming of the shows, henceforth the events could be viewed and enjoyed  online and live all over the world. 

Karuna’s mission is to improve as many lives possible with technology. We have been advocating technology use through our CSR sponsorship of technology from queue management systems for hospitals, ticketing systems and smart city apps. The CSR where Karuna contributes to aims to improve the well-being of communities and society through access to information and automation of processes.

At Karuna, we offer a range of services ranging from web design to software, mobile application development, Property Management and Smart City systems and IoT applications. Among some of our CSR initiatives, Malaysia Runner which is an events management system for Charity Runs has contributed more than RM 3 mil in collections for the respective charitable organisations over the last four years. 

Karuna has also raised public awareness on the importance of technology through our public speaking and mentorship platforms. We have also organised a Virtual Hackathon, My Hackwknd 2021 in December last year in partnership with the Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation and supported by the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation that has recruited 51 teams and 150 participants to create innovative solutions that can improve business processes which will be a yearly recurring event.

In keeping true to our CSR objectives in advocating technology, Karuna established a Venture Capital firm under Karuna Khoshee Venture Capital Sdn Bhd in June 2022 that provides mentoring and incubator services, seed funding and angel investor network for startups in Malaysia through our incubator, “25 Startups”. The incubator was officiated by Deputy Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin and Rafiza Ghazali, Group Chief Executive Officer of Cradle Fund with the vision of nurturing startups and potential entrepreneurs through technological and social-economical innovations. 

Karuna will continue to support the local community via more CSR projects to create interest in technology that creates positive socioeconomical impact. Karuna pledges to continue supporting and playing its CSR role in the digitisation of the Rainforest World Music Festival so it can be enjoyed by everyone near and far.


Melvin Ong

CEO, Karuna Sarawak